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Poster and T-Shirts

Semester in Dialogue is an undergraduate program within the SFU Centre for Dialogue designed to inspire students with a sense of civic responsibility and encourage their passion for improving society.


SFU’s Semester In Dialogue students contacted me to design marketing materials for their year-end event. The event was to invite the youth of Vancouver to join them in a public dialogue regarding this generation’s energy future. I worked together with the students to create a brief outlining their communication needs. The excited students even provided me with illustrations of their own ideas.

Blues and Greens

After several iterations and some feedback, we settled on a colourful poster design. The students felt that their audience would respond best to the imagery of an earth within a light bulb. For the main title, I modified a brush style font to add approachability and to invoke a more natural look. I reached out for rich greens, blues, and oranges for the design. The intention was for it be uplifting and not moody like earthy tones. From this poster design, we created t-shirts and pins to help promote the event.

Opening Night

On March 25, 2015 SFU’s Semester in Dialogue students invited the youth of Vancouver to join them at Heritage Hall. The evening featured 7 industry speakers, musical performances, live painting, and over 100 attendees. Through these dialogues guests reflected on issues surrounding social justice, climate change, and renewable energy. The students appreciated the fast turn around time and consistent branding.